Bibliothèque du Boisé, Montréal


Bibliothèque du Boisé, Montréal, Canada, project: Cardinal Hardy, Labonté Marcil, Éric Pelletier


The Bibliothèque du Boisé, designed by the consortium Eric Pelletier, Cardinal Hardy (Lemay) and Labonté Marcil architects and  Grand Prix of Excellence of the Ordre des architectes du Québec (OAQ) 2015, aims to become a place fostering a feeling of belonging, promoting exploration and discovery.



Located between Thimens Boulevard and the Marcel-Laurin Park, it covers a surface area of 5,000 m² and is integrated into the site thanks to his sculptural and elegant silhouette to its wave wood.



This isn’t a project about architecture alone: it’s also about landscape. As such, this certified LEED Platinum building connects the city with the surrounding landscape, and serves as a point of connection that allows users to explore its site—inside and outside.  



In this project, architecture is landscape and landscape is architecture. The architecture changes shape, unfolds, spreads out and rises up, reducing the boundaries between the built space and the site.



There are several means of access to the building - all of which encourage interaction and discovery.




True reflection of the human condition, of the fate of a changing landscape, of its architecture, the Bibliothèque du Boisé created a significant identity hub as well as a rich, dynamic and open space where boundaries are redefined to foster discovery, learning, and a sense of belonging for the entire community.