Multiples", Villa delle Rose, Bologna (Italy), through 30 march 2025
L'exposition présente l'important corpus de multiples réalisés par Carol Rama (1918 - 2015) entre 1993 et 2005 avec Franco Masoero Edizioni d’Arte - Turin et provenant de la Collection Franco Masoero et Alexandra Wetzel. En explorant le multiple, l'artiste a retracé tous les grands thèmes qui composent son univers.
The exhibition sets out to highlight the major corpus of multiples produced by Carol Rama (1918 – 2015) between 1993 and 2005 together with Franco Masoero Edizioni d’Arte – Torino, to be found in the Franco Masoero and Alexandra Wetzel Collection.
La mostra presenta l’importante corpus di multipli prodotto da Carol Rama (1918 – 2015) tra il 1993 e il 2005 con Franco Masoero Edizioni d’Arte - Torino e proveniente dalla Collezione Franco Masoero e Alexandra Wetzel. Esplorando il multiplo l’artista ha ripercorso tutti i grandi temi che compongono il suo mondo.
En explorant le multiple, l'artiste a retracé tous les grands thèmes qui composent son univers. La vie et les passions de Carol Rama entrent ainsi en jeu. D'une salle à l'autre, personnages, séductions, fétiches, idylles alternent et reconstituent une histoire. En fait, cette œuvre gravée révèle la grande complicité avec l'éditeur-imprimeur, qui a laissé à l'artiste toute la place pour une expressivité débridée, affranchie de toute règle.
Exploring the multiple, the artist retraced all the key themes that make up her world, and the aim of the exhibition is to delve into these same territories. From one room to another, her characters, seductions, fetishes and idylls follow on from one another, piecing a story together little by little. Indeed, it is from her engraved works that a great sense of complicity with the publisher-printer Franco Masoero emerges, as he left the artist all the space necessary in which to unleash her creativity, heedless of any rules.
Esplorando il multiplo l’artista ha ripercorso tutti i grandi temi che compongono il suo mondo. La vita e le passioni di Carol Rama entrano dunque in scena. La vita e le passioni di Carol Rama entrano dunque in scena. Da una sala all’altra, personaggi, seduzioni, feticci, idilli, si alternano e ricostruiscono una storia. Da questa opera incisa emerge infatti la grande complicità con l’editore-stampatore, che ha lasciato all’artista tutto lo spazio per un’espressività scatenata, priva di regole.
Top, Carol Rama, Seduzione (mano) / Seduction (Hand),
2004. Line etching on Moulin du Pombier paper, 16 x 23.5 cm. Edition: 100 + X, varnished in
red and gold by the artist after printing. Copy V/X. © Archivio Carol Rama, Torino; middle, Carol Rama, Dorina, 2000. Aquatint
and soft-ground etching on two plates, printed on Lys Duchêne paper, 39.5 x
29.5 cm. Edition: 50
+ X, copy 28/50. © Archivio Carol Rama, Torino; below, Carol Rama, Le malelingue / The Evil Tongues (N.I.1), 1998. Aquatint on
photo-engraved ground on two plates; printed on tobacco tissue paper on
Hahnemühle aus Dassel paper, 50 x 65 cm. Edition: 30 + VII, copy III/VII. © Archivio Carol Rama, Torino