Aprile 2024

Pioneer of Modern Architecture and Design, Alvar Aalto (1898-1976) is among the reference figures of contemporary panorama both at home in Finland and abroad. His early works followed the tenets of Nordic Classicism, the predominant style at that time. In the late 1920s and early 1930s, he made a number of journeys to Europe becoming familiar with the latest trends in Modernism, the International Style.

Alvar Aalto, Alvar Aalto Library, Vyborg, Russia

Alvar Aalto, Villa Mairea, Noormarkku, Finland

Alvar Aalto, Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland

From the late 1930s onwards, the architectural expression of Aalto’s buildings became enriched by the use of organic forms, natural materials and increasing freedom in the handling of space. It was characteristic of Aalto to treat each building as a complete work of art – right down to the furniture and light fittings. In 1935, Artek was formed to promote the growing production and sales of Aalto furniture.

Alvar Aalto, Wolfsburg Cultural Center, Wolfsburg, Germany

Alvar Aalto, Nordic House, Reykjavik, Island

From the 1950s onwards, Aalto’s architectural practice was employed principally on the design of public buildings, such as Säynätsalo Town Hall (1948-1952), the Jyväskylä Institute of Pedagogics, now the University of Jyväskylä (1951-1957), and the House of Culture in Helsinki (1952-1956).

Alvar Aalto, Mount Angel Abbey Library, Mount Angel, USA

Alvar Aalto, Riola Church and Parish Center, Riola di Vergato, Italy

An important exhibition at the MAXXI in Rome entitled “AALTO – Aino Alvar Elissa. The Human Dimension of Design” – trough 26 may 2024 - presents 11 projects realised by the Aalto studio throughout its entire professional career in an experimental layout that helps to offer visitors different ways of understanding the studio’s work.

Alvar Aalto, "Beehive", The light fitting A 331

Alvar Aalto, Armchair 42

Carlo Berarducci Architecture, San Gemini Villa, San Gemini, Italy

ACPV Architects, The Sky Tapei, Tapei, Taiwan

Brenac-Gonzalez & Associés, Village des Athlètes, Saint Ouen, France

Franklin Azzi Architecture, Messager, Paris , France

OBR, Casa BFF Milan, Italy,  Mipim Awards 2024, Best New Development category

Pitagoras Group, Rehabilitation of the Old Jordão Theater building, Guimarães, Portugal

MAD Architects, Lishui Airport, Beijing, China

Mestres Wåge Arquitectes, Kunstsilo, Kristiansand, Norway

GBPA Architects, Terza Torre, Firenze, Italy

Riken Yamamoto (Japan) is the 2024 Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate

Significant built works  include Nagoya Zokei University (Nagoya, Japan, 2022), THE CIRCLE at Zürich Airport (Zürich, Switzerland, 2020), Tianjin Library (Tianjin, People’s Republic of China, 2012)  and Hotakubo Housing (Kumamoto, Japan, 1991).

Trimo Group and Pininfarina introducing Qbiss Notch

atelier BOOM-TOWN, Résidence de l'Alizée, Wentworth-Nord, Canada (Ph. Raphaël Thibodeau)

Neom, Trojena project, Trojena, Saudi Arabia

Savioz Fabrizzi Architectes, Cabane du Vélan, Val d'Entremont, Switzerland

ALPI DESIGN AWARDS est le prix international de l’association ALPI+MILANO APS qui, en partenariat avec l’Arca International, souhaite décerner une reconnaissance importante aux concepteurs, aux professionnels et aux entreprises qui réalisent des projets et des produits durables pour la montagne.   

ALPI DESIGN AWARDS is the international award of the ALPI+MILANO APS Association in partnership with l’Arca International, who want to assign an important recognition to designers, professionals and companies that create projects and products for the sustainability of the mountains.  

ALPI DESIGN AWARDS è il premio internazionale dell’Associazione ALPI+MILANO APS in partnership con l’Arca International, che vogliono assegnare un importante riconoscimento ai designer, professionisti e aziende che realizzano progetti e prodotti per la sostenibilità della Montagna.

Cappellini, Trace, design by Francesco Forcellini

Rivolta, Cut, design by Daniele Lo Scalzo Moscheri

Artelinea, Virgo, design by Bizzarri Design Associati

iGuzzini, BeTwo, design by Alfonso Femia

Boffi, Case 5.0, design by Piero Lissoni

La Cimbali, M40, design by Valerio Cometti + V12 Design https://www.arcadata.com/fr/page-the-way-of-mountain-design