Zaha Hadid exhibition

ZHA's 'Vertical Urbanism' exhibition now online

Le Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) et le Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) (Lee Wai Lee), en collaboration avec la HKDI Gallery, présentent jusqu'au 3 avril 2022, l'exposition "Zaha Hadid Architects : Vertical Urbanism" comme partie intégrante du programme “Essence of Design”.


Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) and Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) (Lee Wai Lee), together with its affiliated HKDI Gallery present  at until 3rd April 2022 - its flagship exhibition of the year “Zaha Hadid Architects: Vertical Urbanism” as part of their ‘Essence of Design’ programme.


L'Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) e l'Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) (Lee Wai Lee), in collaborazione con la HKDI Gallery, presentano la mostra "Zaha Hadid Architects: Vertical Urbanism" come parte integrante del programma “Essence of Design”.


L'exposition, présentée virtuellement jusqu'au 3 avril 2022, met en lumière les innovations de Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) en architecture à travers différents outils de documentation de projet - dessins et schémas techniques, visualisations générées par ordinateur, modèles architecturaux, projections vidéo et expériences de réalité virtuelle.


“Zaha Hadid Architects: Vertical Urbanism” at the HKDI Gallery and presented virtually until 3 April 2022, showcases Zaha Hadid Architects’ (ZHA) innovations in architecture through a variety of project documentation tools – from technical drawings and diagrams, computer-generated visualisations, and architectural models, to video projections and virtual reality experiences.


L’esposizione, presentata virtualmente fino al 3 aprile 2022, mette in mostra le innovazioni di Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) in architettura attraverso diversi strumenti di documentazione di progetto -  disegni tecnici e diagrammi, visualizzazioni generate al computer, modelli architettonici, videoproiezioni ed esperienze di realtà virtuale.



Créée spécifiquement pour les instituts HKDI et IVE, l'exposition s'articule autour d'une étude approfondie de trois aspects du travail de ZHA : l'expérimentation développée par le groupe de recherche Computation & Design de ZHA (ZHA CODE) ; les projets de l’agence pour les tours dans les villes du monde entier ; les principaux projets de ZHA dans la région de Hong Kong.


Curated especially for the Institutes, the exhibition is thematically structured around three aspects of ZHA’s work: expounding on the research of ZHA’s Computation & Design research group (ZHA CODE); exploring the studio’s designs for towers in cities around the world; and showcasing ZHA’s seminal projects in the region.


L’esposizione, presentata virtualmente fino al 3 aprile 2022, mette in mostra le innovazioni di Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) in architettura attraverso diversi strumenti di documentazione di progetto -  disegni tecnici e diagrammi, visualizzazioni generate al computer, modelli architettonici, videoproiezioni ed esperienze di realtà virtuale. 


Photo Courtesy of Hong Kong Design Institute